And if you need to overnight because of weather, or prefer to take an extra break before heading
home, the Narromine Tourist Park and Motel is located right on the airfield.
Things to consider.
ALA’s and unsealed strips – Always check with the CFI for approvals for operations of club
aircraft into ALA’s. In particular, please take care with unsealed and gravel strips like
Noccundra. Limit run-ups to areas clear of stones (Noccundra has rubber strips for run-ups),
and smoothly increase power (use the vernier throttle if fitted) on takeoff. Always check
with the airfield operator for condition etc prior to use.
Animal Hazards – Ask the airfield operator, and keep an eye out for all types of livestock and
native animals on remote airfields. A precautionary run over the field prior to landing can
often stir the animals into moving which makes them easier to see. If you have never done a
precautionary low level run, or it has been a while since you did one in the aircraft you will
be flying, practice one or two with an instructor.
Remote operations – Make certain the aircraft has a working ELB, and know how to use it.
Carry emergency water and first aid kit just in case.
Fuel – Confirm fuel availability at your destinations, and method of payment prior to
departure. Have an alternate fuel plan should the fuel bowser become inop, or fuel suddenly
not be available at your destination. Be even more vigilant to check fuel for correct grade,
and free from water or other contaminants. Fuel trucks operate at Birdsville during the races
in addition to the normal bowser. Be prepared to pay over $3:00 /litre for Avgas here and
other outback locations. Record your fuel purchases so that you can claim the cost back at
Richmond AVGAS prices.
Flies & Mozzy’s – Take a good insect repellent with you!
Additional Info & Contacts:
Ballina Aero Club – The Ballina Aero Club operate the Birdsville Airport during the Race weekend.
Additional information can be found under “special links” on their web site or contact them – they
are very helpful :
AIP SUP – Keep an eye out for the AIP SUP published by Airservices for Birdsville Operations each
year. I can provide a copy of the 2017 AIP SUP (H109/17) if anyone is interested.
Noccundra Hotel – Manager - Neil Turner 07 4655 4317,
White Cliffs – Underground Motel – 08 8091 6677, Above Ground Hotel Manager & Refueler – 08
8091 6606
Narromine Tourist Park & Motel – 02 6889 2129
As mentioned above, this is only intended as a guide to help stimulate your “adventure glands”.
Australia has some the best flying destinations to explore in the world - the options are endless.
We look forward to seeing all the photos and hearing those exciting stories of adventures and
experiences from members to include in the club newsletter for next year.